Harbeson, Seend, Thompson, and Wainwright Families of New Jersey

Antram (Antrim) Ancestor Family Details
Generation 7
Isaac Antram

son of Thomas and Sarah (Zelly) Antram

b: 1719/20 Burlington Co., NJ

d: 1782 Springfield, NJ


17 Nov 1742

Springfield Meeting House, Burlington Co., NJ

Ann or Jane Crowshaw (Croshaw, Crosher)

dau. of John Croshaw (Chosher)




  • David ANTRAM (9 mo 4 1743 - )
    • m(1st): Hannah
    • m(2nd): 1769 Mary FALKENBURG (no issue)
    • m(3rd): Rebecca BRAN
  • John ANTRIM (1 mo 22 1749/50 - ) m: 1775 Jane SHREVE
  • Issac ANTRAM(4 mo 20 1752 - 10 mo 10 1808) m: 1 mo 26 1773 Ruth WEBB
  • Job ANTRAM (b: 1 mo 2 1757)
  • Hester ANTRAM died young


  • Antrim, Harriett S., Records of the Antrim Family in America, 1899 (CS71, A614, 1899)
  • Gen. Mag of NJ, Vol 27, pg 48
updated 08.30.2013 AreaBreak
Generation 8
Isaac Antram

son of John and Francis (Butcher) Antram

b: Apr 1693/94 at Northampton Twp., Burlington Co., NJ

d: 3 Apr 1745 or 1744 Springfield, Burlington Co., NJ:


Jane Ridgeway

dau. of Richard and Abigail (Stockton) Ridgeway

b: abt. 1700


  • Abigail ANTRAM (1722/26 or 13 Aug 1721 - 8 Apr 1800) m: 1748 Caleb SHREEVE (13 Oct 1721 - 27 Sept 1786)
  • Mary ANTRAM (1722/26 - 1791 m: 1747/48 Thomas CONARRO
  • Bathsheba ANTRAM b: 1720's m: 1750 Aaron BARTON
  • Thomas ANTRAM (1730's - Sept/Dec 1759) m: Margaret LAMB
  • Sarah ANTRAM b: 1730's m: 1765 Edward CHURCH
  • Mercy ANTRAM (1730's - before 1776) m: 1760 Robert BARR
  • Jane ANTRAM (26 Dec 1739 - 26 Nov 1805) m: 1762 John LESTER
  • Hannah ANTRAM b: 1742/44 m: John CHAPMAN


Isaac was an elder in the Springfield branch of the Burlington Monthly Meeting, and the marriages of most of his children were authorized by that meeting. He served on the Burlington County grand jury in 1718. 1722 and 1723. By his father's deed of 7 Apr 1718 he acquired a farm of 379 acres. Isaac was identified as a carpenter of Northampton. Later deed indicated his residence as Springfield.

The will of Isaac of 26 Mar 1744 - 25 May 1744 gave the farm, which had been increased to 473 acres, to his son Thomas who was charged with making payments to his sisters. When th only son of Thomas, Isaac, died young, and unmarried, title to the farm reverted to the seven sisters of Thomas. It was divided in Dec 1776.

Jane married 1st Andrew CONAROE


  • Antrim, Harriet S., Records of the Antrim Family in America, 1899 (CS71 A614, 1899)
  • Harris, Warren, Harris Family File, 2005-01-04
  • Gen Mag of NJ, Vol 27
last update 2013.03.02 AreaBreak
Generation 9
John Antram

son of Nickolas Antram

b: about 1646/7 in England

d: bet 25 Dec 1718 and 30 May 1719 Northampton Twp, Burlington Co., NJ:


3 mo 15, 1682

Burlington Friends Meeting, Burlington Co., NJ

Frances Butcher

dau. of Gabriel and Ann (Biddle) Butcher

b: 1658/9 Biddlesden, County of Bucks, England

d: after 1718 probably in Northampton Twp., Burlington Co., NJ


  • John ANTRAM (9 mo 7, 1683 - 11mo 1731/32) m: 9 mo 14, 1714 Amy ANDREWS
  • James ANTRAM (1 mo 10, 1685 - 1739) m: 1701 Mary HANCE
  • Thomas ANTRAM (b: 9 mo 30, 1686 died young)
  • Thomas ANTRAM (abt 1688 - Nov/Dec 1732) m: 1715 Sarah ZELLEY
  • Ann ANTRAM (Nov 1691 - Feb 1732/33) m: 17 Sept 1713 William MATLACK
  • Mary ANTRAM b: 1691/92 m: 7mo 1712 John NORCROSS of Bucks County, PA
  • Isaac ANTRAM (1693/94 - 3 Apr 1744) m: 1713 Jane RIDGEWAY
  • Elizabeth ANTRAM b: 1693/94
    • m(1st): 1713 Joseph ELKINTON
    • m(2nd): 1728 John WILCOX
    • m(3rd): 1737/38 John CROSBY


John Antram came to America about 1678-80. His younger brother, James, probably came a few years later. John is firest mentioned as John Antram is a list of the freeholders and inhabitants of Burlington Co. in 1680. He was a cordwainer, or shoemaker, living first in the town of Burlington.

On 3 May 1860, John bought from Jonathan Eldreide, 1/4 of 1/8th of the ninetieth tract of the province of West New Jersie in America for Six Pounds and Ten Shillings of Lawful English money sterling. He later built his house on a lot what was to be Thrid St. in Burlington. By 1686, he was living near Birch Creek, which was later known as Springfield. In 1693, John was a Constable of Birch Creek, along with William Atkinson.

In February 1693, the Court ordered Susanne Reeves to serve John Antram for one year in Consideration that John Antram paid the 44 shillings owed to the Court by Susanne. John was to pay Susanne an additional 16 shillings more provided that she served the one whole year.

In 1696, he bought a major tract of land in Northampton Twp., to which he voed about 1698 and resided for the rest of hsi life. John bouth addtional 4000 acres of land 9 July 1698 which brought his total land in NOrthampt to about 750 acres. On 7 April 1718, John conveyed various amounts of lands to his sons. The largest, 379 acres, was conveyed to his youngest son Isaac.

Friends' Meeting Certificate

From our Monthly meeting at Biddletown in ye Country of Bucks in old England ye 19 of ye 2 month 1680

To the Brethern in New Jersey Greeting

Whosover thought Friends Ann Butcher of Lillington Lovall in the county of Oxen, widow, and Frances Butcher her daugher and Ann Sproringlor both belonging to the meeting

so from all understanding of them this may therefore comfort you and all persons whome it may consern that the said Ann Butcher and Frances Butcher are both so far as we know or have heard free from engaging in things relating to the world and in relating to marriage both faithfull in there walking according to the profession of truth of sober life and conversation sence the time they have come among us in testimony there of we sett our names

Samuel Mirrett, Richard Pincham, Thomas Butcher, Alexander Shopens, John Grover (Antrim, pg. 11)

Will of John Antram

I John Antram of ye township of Northamton, County of Burlington in ye West Division of New Jersey Coardwainer being exersised with weekness of body but thanks be to God of Sound- perfect, disposing mind and memory so therefore make ordain put in writeing this my Last Will and Testamt in manner and for me as followeth first and principally of all Recommend my Soule into ye hand of Almighty God my Creator Redeemer my body to ye Earth to be buried at ye Discrestion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching such Worldly Estate yet it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow of me in this life, I give, devise of ye same as followeth.

Item I give and bequeath my dwelling house farme, plantation whereinI now live lying on ye North east side of ye Great forad yt leads through ye township of Northamton with one half pt of my meadow ground lying between ye land of Jonathan Fox, Thomas Briant, and John Collings in said Township of Northamton aforesd with all and every appurtences unto ye Sd land, meadow belonging unto Frances my dear and well beloved wife during her Naturall life for her to have a Comforthavle liveing out of ye same, after her decease I give, bequeth, Devise ye sme unto my Son John Antram on ye South west Side of ye Great Road with ye other half of my meadow Ground I have already conveyed before this time unot my Sd Son John Antram his heirs, assignes for ever

Item I give, bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Elizabteh Norcorss Daughter of John Norcorss ten acres of land lying in ye town bounds of Burlington adjoing to John Petty land, which was accepted in her fathers deed, which tenn acres of land I give unto ye Sd Elizabeth Norcorss her heirs and assigns for ever, Whereas I have to take up one hundred, Eighteen Acres of land by virtue of my fourth dividen one hundred wherof I give my Son Isaac Antram his heirs, assigns forever, all ye rest and Remainder of my land yt shall or may appertaine to mee by vvirtue of my Right of properiety therewout ye Contrey I give, bequeath unot my Son John Antram his heirs and assigns for ever.

Item I give unto my daughter Ann Matlack one of my negro Weomen after ye Decease of my Wife I also give, bequeath unto my wife all my personall Estate dureing her naturall life, after her decease I give, bequeath all my goods, Chatles amongst my children yt is to say my Son John, James Thomas, Isaac, my three daughter Ann, Mary, Elizabeth to be equally devided amnst my Siad four Sons,three dauters Share, Share alike. I do also Constitute, appoint my Sd Dear, Well beloved Wife, my said Son John Antram my onely, Sole executors of my Sd last will and testant Revoaking, making nul, void all othe former Wills, Testament, making this, only this to be my last will, testant in Witness Whereof I have herunot Set my hand, Seal this tweny fifth day of December in ye year of our Lod one thousand Seven hundred, eighteen.

his mark John Antram Seal.

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Dexlard by the Said John Antram as His Last will and testant in the presence of us the Subsribers Joshua Firothwell Pheeb Scattergood Tho. Scattergood. Proved ye 30th of May 1719 before Isaac DeCou Surrogate, probate. Sealed ye ninth day of July 1719. - Liber 2 p117(P.s8, B.117

(Antrim, pp. 12-13)

Sources: Burtis

  • Antrim, Harrit S., Records of the Antram Family in America, 1899 (CS 71, A614, 1899)
  • Ellis, Mrs. T. A. B., Antram Ancestors, 1967 (A 929.2 A636) (NJ State Library)
  • Geneological Magazine of NJ, Vol. 27
Generation 8
Thomas Antram

son of John and Francis (Butcher) Antram

b: 8 mo 30, 1685 Northhampton, Burlington Co., NJ

d: Jan 1732/33 Springfield, Burlington Co., NJ


May 1715

Burlington Co., NJ

Sarah Zelley

dau. of Daniel and Martha (Eldridge) Zelley

b: 30 Nov 1686 Nailswortyh, Gloucestershire, ENG

m(1st) Thomas Antram

m(2nd)(about 1735/36): John CROWSHAW

d: 1782 Trenton, Burlington Co., NJ

Will of Thomas Antram

The twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty two I Thomas Antram of Springfield and county of Burlington provence of New Jersey being sick and wheek in body but in perfect mind and memory thanks to God called unto mind the mortaility of my body knowing that it is apponted for all men to die I make and ordain this my last will and Tesumony First I recomend my soul to God that give it and my body to the earth ina christian like manner.

I give and devise and dispose of manner as fouling that my just dets be payed and funeral charges

Item I give and bequeath to my oldest Son Isaac Antram to have when he shall arriv at the age of twnety one years his shaire one hundred and fifty acres of land a part of my plantation that I purced of my Father Joh Antram that he paying to his brother John Antram the sume of fifteen pounds on half when he arrives at the age of twenty one years the rest in two years the said having on it a new brick house but my will is that my wife shall have rooms in the brick house during her widdowhood the said land to enjoy the said land joines unto my brother Issac and Nathan Folwell land

Item to my son (Daniel) I give and bequest the eight acres of land I purchest of Danuel Smith and eighty one arcres of my plantation adjoining to the same Nathan Folwell land and the land known by the name of Barkers land to his hairs for ever he paying to his brother John Antram the sume of fifteene poiunds in maner as above.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Antram the eight acres of medow I purshed of Josiah Smith and all the remender of my plantation with the buildings there on where I dwell to his hairs for ever he also paying unto his brother John Antram the sume of fifteene pounds in like maner as his other brothers.

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughtter (Martha) the sume of ten ponds

Item I give and bequeath unto my too other daughters (Mary and Rachel) Antram to each the said sume of ten pounds of money as forsaid each to have there portion at there ariving to the age of twenty one years.

Incase of eather of my three oldest sons ding befor they arived to the age of twenty one years that his part or shair of land I give or bequeathe to my youngest son John Antram his hairs forever then he to acquitting his other borthers of what they are pay to him And in case of eather of my daughters dieng befor they arive at the age spsifide there share to be equally to devided to the survevors And it is will that my wife shall have use and benefitt of all my land untill my sons severly arive at the age of twenty one years to receve there part she bringing up all my children free from charge.

Item I give and bequeath unto my living wife all the rest of my estate be it what it will or where it will also I apont my beloved wife Sarah Antram and my brother Isaac Antram executors of my last will and Testament I hear by disfollow and anull all former wills by me at eny time before this and confurming this to be my last Will and Trstament in witness thereof I hear with sett my (Seal) the day and year above writen Thomas Antram signed seald and published and declared by the said Thomas Antram as his last will and testement in the pressent of the subscribers PETER WOOSTONE SAMUEL SCATTERGOOD - Antrim pg 72-74


  • Isaac ANTRAM (1719/20 - 1782) m: 1742 Anne CROSHAW or CROSHER
  • Daniel ANTRAM (8 mo 6, 1721 - 3 mo 3 1819) m 1 mo 30 1758 Burlington, NJ: Suzanna WEAVER. Moved to VA
  • John ANTRAM ( - 10 mo 25 1826) m 1 mo 10 1753 Burlington, NJ: Elizabeth FOSTER. Moved to VA
  • Martha ANTRAM ( 1718/20 - 1805) NJ
    • m(1st): 1 mo 16 1735/36 John OSBORN (1716 - 1748)
    • m(2nd): 12 mo 6 1784/49 NJ John BRANSON. Moved to VA
  • Thomas ANTRAM (1720's - 1 mo 29, 1781)
    • m(1st): 1 mo 1747 Prudence HANCOCK
    • m(2nd): Ann (Tuley) HANCOCK
  • Rachael ANTRAM (1720/24 - ) m: 1742 John CROSHER
  • Mary ANTRAM (1718/23 - before 1782) m: 17 May 1739 Solomon SHINN


  • Antrim, Harriet S. Records of the Antrim Family in America, 1899 (CS71 A614, 1899)
  • Gen. Mag of NJ, Vol 27, pg 40
  • Family Notes
  • currie62, My Mothers Blood, Ancestry.com, June 2013
updated 2013.06.20 AreaBreak
Generation 6
John Antrim

son of Isaac and Jane (Crowshaw) Antram

b: 1 mo (Mar) 22 1759/60 Springfield, Burlington Co., NJ [ref Records of Antrim]



about Dec 1775

Jane Shreve

dau. of Caleb and Abigail (Antrim) Shreve

b: 2 May 1753

d: 1812 or 30 May 1786


  • Charity ANTRIM(12 mo 11 1776 - ?)
    • m(1st) 1791 Caleb COOK
    • m(2nd): 10 Aug 1805 Joel WAINWRIGHT
  • Isaac ANTRIM (7 mo 3, 1779 - ?) m: Mary BRIANT
  • Caleb ANTRIM (1 mo 7, 1781- ?) moved west
  • Anne ANTRIM (2 mo 12, 1783- ?)
  • Abigail ANTRIM (9 mo 6 1785- ?) m: 1806 John SCATTERGOOD
  • Thomas E. ANTRIM (8 mo 25 1788 - 6 mo 26 1859)
  • John ANTRIM (2 mo 11 1791 - 8 mo 6 1818)
  • Jonathan ANTRIM (1 mo 24, 1793 - ?)
  • Elisha ANTRIM (4 mo 26 1794 - 1822)
  • Henry ANTRIM (10 mo 14 1795 - 1815)

Jane married second 1818 Thomas NEWELL

On 12 Apr 1771, John Antrim of Springfield, son of Isaac, deceased, bought of Jacob Shinn, a 105 acre plantation n Northampton Twp., on Mt. Holly Road. On 20 Oct 1776, John Longstreet and wife conveyed to John Antrim, of Springfield, yoeman, a 300 acre farm in Upper Freehold, at the mouth of Stone Ford Brook.


  • Antrim, Harriet S., Records of the Antrim Family in America, 1899, pg 68. (CS71 A614, 1899)
  • Harris, Warren, Harris Family File, 2005-01-04
  • NJ Gen Magazine
  • Ron Asson

updated 2016.03.29

Generation 10
Gabriel Butcher

b: Aug 1627 Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG

d: 10 Apr 1680 Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG



Lillington Loval, Oxfordshire, ENG

Ann Biddle

b: 1631 Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG

d: 1680 Burlington, Burlington Co., NJ



  • John BUTCHER (3 Feb 1652 Lillingstone Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG - 5 Dec 1737 Burlington Co., NJ)
  • Thomas BUTCHER (1654 Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG - 18 Nov 1693 Burlington, Burlington Co., NJ)
  • William BUTCHER (5 Aug 1655 Lillingston Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG - 12 Mar 1727)
  • Rachel BUTCHER (8 Jul 1657 Lovell, Buckinghamshire, ENG - 22 Jul 1762 Nottingham, Chester Co., PA)
  • Francis BUTCHER (1659/60 Biddlesden, Buckinghamshire, ENG -1718 Northampton, Burlington Co., NJ) m: John Antram (1647-1718)
  • Gabriel BUTCHER (17 Sept 1672 Springfield, Burlington Co., NJ - )

Gabriel and Ann were of Lillington, Lovall, County Oxen, England

  • NJ Gen. Mag, Vol 13, Issue 4
  • Sandra Rindfusz; Antrim Family Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/64495992/person/34125015575/facts; Mar 2016
Updated 2016.03.29 AreaBreak
Generation 10
Thomas Eldridge

b: 1630 Gloucestershire, ENG

d: 12 May 1691 Cirencester, Gloucestershire, ENG





Children (partial list):

Source: currie62, My Mothers Blood, Ancestry.com, June 2013

updated: 2013.06.20 AreaBreak
Generation 9
Captain John Hance

b: 16 Dec 1634 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ

d: 27 Jan 1710 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ



Burlington, NJ

Elizabeth Hanson

dau of Thomas and Mary (Paul) Hanson

b: 1645 Dover, Strafford, NH

d: 28 Oct 1732 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ

Children (partial):

  • Mary HANCE(29 Sept 1670 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ) m(1696): James ANTRAM (1657 - 1739)
  • Elizabeth HANCE (8 Oct 1672 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ - 7 May 1749 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ)
  • Deborah HANCE (1 May 1675 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ - 3 Feb 1757 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ)
  • Judeth HANCE (15 Aug 1678 Bartentown, Monmouth Co., NJ - 24 Mar 1706)
  • Hester HANCE (30 Mar 1681 Bartentown, Monmouth Co., NJ - 24 Mar 1706)
  • John HANCE (11 Apr 1683 Bartentown, Monmouth Co., NJ - 28 Feb 1729 NJ)
  • Issac HANCE (25 Aug 1685 Bartentown, Monmouth Co., NJ - 5 Sep 1764 Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ)
  • Bavis
  • mknight1294; Knight Family Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/16909419/person/759152951/facts; Mar 2016
  • erbenefield, Venturini Family Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/39895003/person/19649042272/facts; Mar 2016
updated 2016.03.29 AreaBreak
Generation 11
John Hanson

son of Thomas and Janet Gledhill

b: 26 Mar 1586 Elland, Yorkshire, ENG




Middlesex, ENG

Frances Pritchard


b: 1590 Elland, Yorkshire, ENG

d: 1675 ENG


  • John Hanson (1612 Middlesex, ENG - 16 Nov 1632 Sachsen, GER)
  • Edward HANSON (1618 Middlesex, ENG - )
  • Thomas HANSON (1622 ENG - 27 June 1666 Dover, Straffor, NH) m: 1637): Mary Paul (1621 - 1689)
  • Elizabeth HANSON (13 Mar 1622 St Nicholas Acon, London, ENG - )
  • erbenefield, Venturini Family Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/39895003/person/19651024017/facts; Mar 2016

There are some questions about the data presented further in the family. Therefore, they are not shown.

updated 2016.03.29 AreaBreak
Generation 10
Thomas Hanson

son of John and Frances (Pritchard) Hanson

b: 1622 ENG

d: 27 Jan 1766 (willproved) Dover, Strafford, NH


16 Aug 1637

Dover, Stafford, NH

Mary Paul

dau of Daniel and Elizabeth (Lever) Paul

b: 1621 Dover, Strafford, NH

d: 28 June 1689 Dover, Strafford, NH


  • Tobias HANSON (1640 Dover, Strafford, NH - 10 May1693 Dover, Strafford, NH)
  • Thomas HANSON (1643 Dover, Strafford, NH - 8 Nov 1711 Dover, Strafford, NH)
  • Elizabeth HANSON (1645 Dover, Strafford, NH - 28 Oct 1732 Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., NJ) m(1669): John Hance (1634 - 1710)
  • Isaac HANSON (1648 Dover, Strafford, NH - 1683 Dover, Strafford, NH)
  • Agnes HANSON (1649 Dover, Strafford, NH - Mar 1717 Scarborough, Cumberland Co., ME)
  • Timothy HANSON (1651 Dover, Strafford, NH - 4 Sept 1711 Abington, Lackawanna Co., PA)
  • Benjamin HANSON (1657 Dover, Strafford, NH - 28 June 1689 Dover, Strafford, NH)
  • Bavis
  • mknight1294; Knight Family Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/16909419/person/759152951/facts; Mar 2016
  • erbenefield, Venturini Family Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/39895003/person/19651018368/facts; Mar 2016
updated 2016.03.29 AreaBreak
Generation 11
Daniel Paul

b: 24 Feb 1590 Ipswich, Suffolk, ENG

d: 1672 Kittery, York, ME


Elizabeth Lever

b: 1590 Ipswich, Suffolk, ENG

d: 1668 Kittery, York, ME

Children (partial):

  • Mary PAUL (1621 - 1689) m(1637): Thomas HANSON (1622 - 1666)
  • pahulek, Croshaw Family Tree, Ancestry.com, June 2013
updated 2013.06.20 AreaBreak
Generation 11
George Sealy

b: 26 Jan 1599 Devon, ENG

d: 27 Oct 1637 Devon, ENG


Dorothy Andrew

b: 1599 Devon, ENG

d: 1673

Children (partial):

  • John ZELLEY (1630 - 1675) m: 1655 Martha (1634 - 1673)
  • pahulek, Croshaw Family Tree, Ancestry.com, June 2013
updated 2013.06.20 AreaBreak
Generation 10
John Sealy

son of George Sealy and Dorothy Andrew

b: 1630 Somersford Magna, Wiltshire, ENG

d: 1675 ENG



Wiltshire, ENG


b: 1634 Wiltshire, ENG

d: 17 Jul 1673 Great Somerford, Wiltshire,ENG


  • Daniel ZELLEY (1656 - 1711) m: Martha ELDRIDGE (1667 - 1735)
  • John SEALY (1658 - )
  • Thomas SEALY (1660 - 1663)
  • John SEALY (1665 - )
  • Mary SEALY (1667 - 1670)
  • Mary SEALY (1671 - )


  • ednabomhoff; Nichols / Shinn Tree; http://person.ancestry.com/tree/1560921/person/706271116/facts; 20103.03.29

updated 2016.03.29

Generation 9
Daniel Zelley

son of John and Martha Sealy

b: 16 Aug 1656 Somersford Magna, Wiltshire, ENG

d: 16 Nov 1711 Minety, Wiltshire, ENG


15 Sept 1684

Martha Eldridge

dau of Thomas and Amy Eldridge

b: 20 Apr 1667 Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, ENG

d: 1735 Philadephia, PA


  • Sarah ZELLEY (30 Nov 1686 Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, ENG- 1782 Trenton, Burlington Co., NJ) m(1715): Thomas ANTRAM (1686 - 1732)
  • John ZELLEY (1688 Stroud, Gloucestershire, ENG - 1714 Philadelphia, PA)
  • Daniel ZELLEY (1690 Stroud, Gloucestershire, ENG - 1779 Springfield, Burlington, NJ)
  • Martha ZELLEY (1690 Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, ENG - 1782 Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ)ki
  • Rachael ZELLEY (1692 Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, ENG- 1733)
  • currie, My Mothers Blood, Ancestry.com, June 2013
  • pahulek, Croshaw Family Tree, Ancestry.com, June 2013
updated 2013.06.20 AreaBreak
Generation 10
John Zelley

son of George and Dorothy (Andrew) Sealy

b: 1630 Somersford Magna, Wiltshire, ENG

d: 1675 ENG



Wiltshire, ENG





  • Daniel ZELLEY (1656 - 1711) m: Martha ELDRIDGE (1667 - 1735)
  • John ZELLEY (1665 Somersford Magna, Chippenham, Wiltshire, ENG - 1684 Minety, Wiltshire, ENG)
  • Mary SEALY (1667 Great Somerford, Wiltshire, ENG- 1 May 1670 Great Somerford, Wiltshire, ENG)
  • currie, My Mothers Blood, Ancestry.com, June 2013
  • pahulek, Croshaw Family Tree, Ancestry.com, June 2013
updated 2013.06.20