Ancestor Charts
Ancestor Charts show the known lineage of each of my grandparents with their year of birth, year of death, and Generation number. When an individual immigrated, a sailing ship is shown with the county of orgin.
To navigate, click on any arrow associated with a chart name.
Ancestor Information
Ancestor Information shows details about ancestors of each of my grandparents.
To search for an individual, use the embedded word search "Find On This Page" located in the left column. When viewing an individual, use hyperlinks to view information about the person's father and mother, or the child within the ancestor tree.
The descendent page lists individuals descending from an ancestor in each of the four family trees: Harbeson, Thompson, Seend and Wainwright. Some individuals are simply listed as "son" or "daughter" for privacy considerations. A full list may be obtained by contacting the webmaster.
To search for a individual, use the embedded word search "Find On This Page" located in the left column.
Quaker Dates
Some dates used in this site appear very different to us, such as 10 mo. 2, 1702. The dates reflect those used in Quakers records. Quakers did not use names for months of the years but used numbers. "Beginning in the late twelfth century A.D, the ecclesiastical year in England was defined to begining on March 25. Beginning in the fourteenth century and lasting until the year 1752, March 25 was adpoted as the start of the British civil and legal year. This mode of expressing dates is known as the "Old Style" (or "OS")." ---
It's use ended by an Act of Parlimant that decreed the day following 31-Dec-1751 to be the first day of 1752. In addition, 2-Sept-1752 would be followed by 14-Sept 1752 to correct for the leap year adjustment not previously made. This created the Gregorian calendar. In the mid 1700's, Quaker records kept the number of the month (1 = March) and may have not adjusted to drop the eleven days of the Gregorian calendar. With the level of uncertainty there is in transcribing dates, we indicate the dates of the original records.